The HIPAA rule mandates that each Covered Entity and Business Associate of a Covered Entity designate a HIPAA Privacy Officer, and the job’s a big one. With the many ongoing changes to HIPAA, the Privacy Officer’s role requires growing responsibility, a larger skill...
Part of being HIPAA compliant is making sure that you’re ready at all times for the possibility of a HIPAA audit from the HHS Office for Civil Rights (OCR), or a State Attorney General. Being ready for a HIPAA audit is essential to protect sensitive protected health...
Security breaches are something that few businesses address before they happen. And yet, most breaches could have been prevented with the proper technical safeguards in place. Today, we’re going to talk about the very real consequences which face your business if you...
Jason Karn, Total HIPAA’s Chief Compliance Officer, recently spoke with David Smith, a nationally recognized healthcare benefits consultant, and regulatory expert, about HIPAA enforcement projections for agents and brokers in 2021. They spoke about HIPAA enforcement...
What is a Business Associate Agreement (BAA)?A Business Associate Agreement (BAA) is a legally binding contract between a Covered Entity (Healthcare provider, health insurance companies, company health plans, etc.) and a Business Associate (BA) (Third party...
Every year, we publish Microsoft’s End of Support list because using up-to-date programming is key for HIPAA compliance. Microsoft will terminate support for earlier versions of a long list of its products beginning January 12, 2021. This means Microsoft will no...
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